Life Insurance

✔    The agreed capital will be paid in event of death of the insured person

✔    Significantly lower premium payments, when you are non-smoker

✔    Possibility to increase capital in case of coverage inclusion and option to extend the contract three years before the expiration date

Please find a basic information sheet for this product linked below or request a printed version.

Meine Gesundheitsversicherung - Mein Wahlarzt

Protect your family as well as your beloved ones against the financial consequences of premature death:

You define yourself, who will receive the payment in event of death. No need to wait for probate proceedings. 

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Assistance for surviving dependants
Guaranteed payment of capital in event of death of the insured person.
Coverage of financial obligations
Reduced premium payments for non-smokers
Full insurance cover from day one
Linearly sinking life insurance with shortened premium payment period
not included
Life insurance for two persons
e.g. for you and your spouse
not included
Increase capital without renewed risk assessment in case of certain events
e. g. marriage, purchase or start of construction of real estate
not included
Children Plus
Protection in case of death increases by 25% within the first 6 months after the birth or adoption of a child
not included
Optional contract extension without renewed risk assessment 3 years before expiration date
not included
Since surviving dependants will be paid the insured amount, our life insurance provides the best coverage for your relatives in the event of your premature death.
  • The life insurance pays an agreed amount in event of death. You determine the period of the insurance as well as who will receives the payments afterwards. You don´t need to take the intestate succession into consideration. 
  • Full flexibility regarding the premium cover: You can optionally extend the contract period or increase the sum insured in the event of certain events (e.g. birth of a child, marriage, purchase of real estate). In each case without renewed health check.
  • Additional premium bonus, if you don´t smoke.
  • For those who want to provide financial security for their family or other beloved ones in the event of your death. 
  • For those who want to secure their real estate financing or other loans.

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